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How to Protect Your Business from Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks

How to Protect Your Business from Phishing Attacks

From the Help Desk
at Trivium Technology

Did you know that 1.4 million imposter websites are created each month? Fake versions of Google, your bank’s websites, your credit company’s websites and even fake versions of Microsoft’s many app websites are floating around on the web. Attackers create these fake websites with the intent on spreading them to unsuspecting users, usually through email. This is called phishing.But how does phishing affect your business? Well, when a user is asked to type their password into a fake website, the attacker now has a copy of that user’s login information, bank information, or whatever they are trying to get. Sometimes, all they need is to infect your computer or Office 365 account with a fake attachment (looks like a real PDF invoice), but it’s really a cyber-attack!

Cyber security is only as good as the user. If the user “invites” an attacker in by going to a wrong web address or typing their password into a fake website, without proper protection and security techniques in place, the damage to your business could be irreversible.

So, how do you protect your employees and your business? We recommend starting with a three stepped approach:
1. WatchGuard Firewall (Blocks attempts from an attacker to get into your network)
2. Our ESET Antivirus business solution (Combination of Antivirus protection and Microsoft Outlook add-in technology to filter out harmful emails and attachments)
3. User Training
4. Hovering over links before clicking them in an email
5. Not opening attachments from unknown sources
6. NEVER send money through wire transfers without verifying first
To learn more about how to protect your business and technology assets, give us a call at Trivium Technology: 978-219-2500 Option 2

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